CPUs and GPUs - making the most of them!

Jonathan Jewell

May 28, 2014
I have two graphics cards in my system, and just one monitor (one of them I took out my old system and installed in this what that computer died).

Basically, what I want to know is how I can make maximum use of the 'dormant' GPU in day-to-day computing.


a) I don't actually know if it really is dormant to tell the truth, just guessing since it isn't obviously active and;

b) I'm not sure if the main GPU will use the spare capacity after the monitor is dealt with (either with or without the other one)...

...that said, my main question is whether or not (and if so, how) I can milk either or both GPUs for everything they've got.

I don't use computer games, but I do use packages that deal with sound and video, and I've been running BOINC.

And if I've STILL got capacity left after all of that, is there any useful thing I can do to put it to work (e.g. on some other BOINC-like thing)?

I really don't like the idea that I have these two cards in my machine and essentially just lighting up the monitor - got to get my dollar's worth - well, pound's worth, since I live in the UK ;)
