Using reCAPTCHA in a Large Organization

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Michael Paulmeno

Aug 30, 2013
The University Library where I work has had a few issues with spambots filling out our web forms. ReCAPTCHA seems like it would prevent this effectively. It's free, seems easy to set up, and works with the Gravity Forms plugin in WordPress (our CMS). Problem is whenever I put in the link to the library's site: www.deltastate/edu/academics/libraries, Google throws an error. It worked when I put in just deltastate,edu (I deleted the site soon after creating it). This presents a problem because I am not the campus webmaster and do not want to create a single private key for the whole organization. My assumption here is that only one set of keys can be created for any given site. Is this the sort of thing the campus webmaster needs to set up or is there a work around?
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