Screen tear on GTX 780 and HDTV

Tim Murray

May 29, 2014
Since getting my new rig I've been experiencing quite alot of screen tear (horizontal). I've seen many different opinion on fixes for and causes of but nothing seems concrete.

I thought it may be related to using an hdtv instead of a monitor but my old rig never experienced this kind of tear with the same tv. I'm even experiencing tear in world of warcraft something I've never seen before.

When trying to screenshare with a friend to show him the tear he couldn't see it at his end so I can only assume it's occuring at the end of the signal chain (i.e my tv)

Does anyone have any ideas how to remedy this?

The tv is a very cheap 1080p LED technika.

Tim Murray

May 29, 2014

Unfortunately without laying out money on a monitor i have no way of checking.

Nope no vsync option on the tv.

Ive tried locking some games to just under 60fps (seemed to work with WoW) and I've also get variable sync in the NCP turned on but watch dogs is almost unplayable in some areas. A small amount of the tear in watchdogs is remedied with 5 buffered frames and vsync on but it causes such huge amounts of mouse lag that it's even worse.