Is this a fake SD card?

Yoav Gat

Jun 3, 2014
A few days ago i bought a 64 GB SD card from a UK seller on Ebay. I just noticed that the card is a SDHC, and as far as i know these ones go up to 32 GB of Memory. I double checked on the internet to see if there really exsist 64 GB SDHC cards, and apparently it doesnt, and that these are fakes with only 4 GB of Memory. Does that mean i got a fake for sure? and if it does, what do i do?
Best way to check is to try and load a 65GB test file (Just grab a big folder and zip it to make one) and see if it balks. I have heard that these fake cards have been reprogrammed to accept files no matter what, and just overwrite when they run out of room.

As far as what to do if it's fake, you can try to get your money back, but chances are the scam is done and the seller is long gone.


Best way to check is to try and load a 65GB test file (Just grab a big folder and zip it to make one) and see if it balks. I have heard that these fake cards have been reprogrammed to accept files no matter what, and just overwrite when they run out of room.

As far as what to do if it's fake, you can try to get your money back, but chances are the scam is done and the seller is long gone.

Yoav Gat

Jun 3, 2014

Thank you for the idea. I found a program called h2testw which does just that. About getting a refund, the guy is a pretty big seller (over 100,000 items sold) and there's always the Ëbay Money Back Guarantee, so I'm in good hands.