GTA 4 not working?

Oct 6, 2013
I just got gta 4 and when i started the game it was only runing at 20-25 fps at 1366*768 resolution and when i changed the resolution to 800*600 and changed all the settings to low it only works at 35-40 fps.I also installed the the patch and also used icehancer 2.1 but it just wont work as smoothly.

here are my system specs;
Processor-IntelG620 2.6 GHZ
GPU-Geforce GT 630 2GB
RAM-5 GB useable

Please help solving this problem
Your pc isn't really a good gaming pc. The icenhancer 2.1 is a lot harder to run than the vanilla game. The game is not broken or anything other than being optimized. Your pc isn't strong, that is all.