razor vs macbook air and ps4


May 30, 2014
i want a laptop for gaming that is slim so i chose the razor blade 1700$ model for gaming.

Or should i choose a macbook air and a ps4 together worth about 1600$

help me decide which one to choose as i want to play battlefield games on razor or just get a ps4 and a macbook. i am using the macbook for university thats why i chose the razor as it is thin and alot more portable than other gaming laptops. prefer to play battlefiels on mouse.

should i get razor or macbook air and ps4

help me decide

thank you


Apr 15, 2013
lots of AAA title coming to next gen will go to PC as well except for the exclusives one, thus if you want to play it with better visual then pick a good gaming laptop. if you don't really care about graphic pinnacle then i suggest macbook+PS4. razor blade is a waste of money, overpriced for the spec (and also notice that lots of game are bad ported to PC, recent example is Watch Dog).

quick edit: Macbook air got an Iris graphic (HD5000) that is neat for casual game e.g. Dota 2.