iOS Youtube app blocking using router.


May 1, 2013
Hi all,
I have a baby brother who is in a long examination period and his academic skills are below average. He is facing seriously trouble if he fails 3 subject, which he did last year. So when I came home for summer, my humble parents asked me to block youtube and steam somehow. As a computer science student I gladly agree and did everything they asked except for one thing...

Using the router, I have managed to filter Youtube URLs and block destination ports of Steam so logging in or matchmaking would not work by using the Internet Access Control on specific MAC addresses of my router (Totolink N500RDG).

However, I cannot, even with a week worth of research, block the Youtube app on his iPhone from streaming videos. I've tried filtering but that only blocks the website in Safari. I even tried filter but it only manages to slow the connection down, not completely block it.

I've tried to research on what ports does Youtube app stream from but I cannot simply just block port 80. There's a lot of solutions for this problem using enterprise software or dedicated switches but out family only have a consumer-grade wireless router.

Summary: Please help me find a way to block the iOS Youtube app from the router.

Also, i'm having trouble blocking the url too, its weird idk why but somehow it just refuse to be block... minor issue however.

Thanks all.


Honestly don't get me wrong there are ways, but why in gods name don't you just take his electronics away? Is he paying for it himself? If he isn't you have your answer.

Either way just by blocking stuff doesn't mean he will spend the time actually studying, leave a kid alone they will watch television instead. You need to a tutor or make sure yourself that he will in fact study. If you aren't home then your parents need to....well parent.


May 1, 2013

Thanks for responding.

1) My brother is in grade 9 so yeh... he doesn't pay for anything.
2)My home does not have a cable TV subscription.
3)He has countless tutors since... god knows when and they do cost a lot of my parent's money. Even so, he failed almost every exam ever given to him...

Also, I study abroad 90% of the time so I do not know in detail but as their son I must do what they ask me to do (Asian parenting culture).
I'm not taking anything away from him, just Youtube privileges. I don't really like this but it's for his own good. Also I never seen him wandering on any other websites since he never really had the interest. Only Dota 2 and Dota 2 videos interest him...

thank god he doesn't know about yet...


Sep 7, 2014
I'm also having trouble with blocking the mobile app. Kind of ridiculous. My brother is on his phone watching Minecraft all the time. This severely slows the internet and makes it impossible for me to pay with my friends. I've tried block all sorts of addresses but to no avail. It most likely has to do with protocols or port access.