Need help eliminating mom's false computer theories (I.E: Computers emit harmful radiation, ventilation from PC bad for you..)


Jan 6, 2014
Alright so my mom (along with my grandma) is a conspirator it seems like. She always says stuff like "X causes cancer" "Y emits radiation" ext. ext. I know, being a decently educated individual that these theories just aren't true. However being 17, and my mom having control over my possessions, I do need help. I need valid sources and explanations about the following.

1. Computers and smart phones emit radiation. Sitting close, or merely having a device like this in your pocket will lead to negative health effects like cancer in the area. (She was just ranting how having my phone in my pocket will lead to testicular cancer or some nonsense) Also I should add I use a new LED monitor, not a CRT

2. Ventilation from computers is bad for your lungs and can cause lung cancer. She says this because the fact that my office heats up after long periods of being in here with my tower on. I have no trouble breathing and if it gets to hot I simply open the vents.

She's hard to convince so I need some official looking sources to print out and show her to further develop my argument as she does not trust much of what I say when she has a conspiracy against it. Thanks in advance!
This might help on the radiation part

and if just the "Heat from the PC" gives you cancer then stay away from Fire, hot water, heaters, blankets, oh yea and THE SUN. A PC does NOT give off any kind of Emissions like a car. The only stuff that comes out of it (usually just dust) is the dust that already existed in the room!

You will have a MUCH better change at getting "Cancer" from sitting in the sun for the same amount of hours that you would sit next to a PC.

as for CRT's they give off X-Rays but 1) The class is thick enough to stop it and 2) any X-Rays that get out are not harmful.

You have a better chance of getting cancer or some illness from just breathing the...


I mean they are technically right. Everything causes cancer nowadays. Everything. Looking at a tree too long might cause cancer too. If you're looking for official sources, google would be the better solution, and there would be sources and citations. You likely won't get that with this site. But you'll probably find a bunch of research that actually concludes that electroics cause cancer. Maybe not, I haven't done the research myself.
there are prof abut emi fields and how they affect people. (google emi and high voltage power lines). the heat from at pc has no more toxin in it then the standard air you beath in your home. the most dirty air in a home is in forced air ducks most people dont have them cleaned. electric "magic smoke" is toxic. what more toxic is your home drinking water. the epa and studies have found that a lot of people medication have ended up in the drinking water and most water dept dont test for it.


Apr 20, 2012
I was playing games on my notebook that has LED screen but still my eyes become weak? Now I am nearsighted, fuck man.
Cancer from computers? XD. If this was true bill gates should have died.
Yeah, radiation can cause cancer, but there is a limit of certain amount of getting exposed to radiations. Radiation naturally exists in atmosphere but fortunately our body can resist it. (now don't go outside you may get cancer. jk)
Computer can emit radiations that is radio waves. Which are every where as cell phones connect with each other they require wave for transfer of data. Screen doesn't cause eye to get affected, other factors like distance from monitor, brightness, and height affects eye.
And I don't understand why this hot air is harmful I completely DISAGREE. What the hell? It isn't harmful just can cause you sweat and nothing. Just think about people living in deserts, working at hot places such as industries of bricks blah blah. They don't get any problem. Say mom don't get in car its engine gives out heat that is harmful to breathe. Earth also emits radiation of heat, this head comes from sun and is absorbed by earth that is latter emitted by radiation.
Actually radiation means to give out/ emit/ eject something out. So everything even walls give out heat as radiation due to absorption of heat outside the house due to heating effect of sun.
Don't forget cooling PC is very important as sweat is to you.
I can't understand what I can say but read here:


Jun 9, 2014
I cannot confirm or deny this. Cancer is caused mainly by carcinogens. Carcinogens can be ANYWHERE in our environment. So technically your mother is both right and wrong. Sure, on one hand there are already carcinogens everywhere, but like you said the ventilation from your computer may even contain carcinogens. I don't know and you don't know. It may be impossible to know. So you can tell your mother that computers don't cause cancer. Carcinogens do.


Apr 20, 2012

Not only carcinogens, but radiations as well. Cancer is uncontrolled growth of cells. Radiations alter DNA present inside cells of tissue. DNA controls all activities of cells, as it is altered, uncontrolled growth can occur. Radiation occur at certain places from radio active materials or nuclear power plant. Though I disagree that cancer is caused by computers.


Jun 9, 2014

I agree that radiation also causes it, however it is not as prominent.
This might help on the radiation part

and if just the "Heat from the PC" gives you cancer then stay away from Fire, hot water, heaters, blankets, oh yea and THE SUN. A PC does NOT give off any kind of Emissions like a car. The only stuff that comes out of it (usually just dust) is the dust that already existed in the room!

You will have a MUCH better change at getting "Cancer" from sitting in the sun for the same amount of hours that you would sit next to a PC.

as for CRT's they give off X-Rays but 1) The class is thick enough to stop it and 2) any X-Rays that get out are not harmful.

You have a better chance of getting cancer or some illness from just breathing the air in LA than sitting next to a PC for the rest of your life.