While this run arma and bf4 at 60 fps at 1080p?


Dunno why nobody have answered this yet for you. :/

BF4 would run on maxed settings (Ultra x4 AA, x16AF), you should get atleast 80fps i woud say.

Arma im not so familliar with (only played the standalone Dayz, which i don't know exactly about it using the Arma engine.), but i can assure you'll atleast get 60fps on medium or high, so you shouldn't worry about the game being unplayable for you, you could probably also set it to very high and get 60fps, but if it's like Dayz standalone, you won't get 60fps if you max EVERYTHING (in Dayz you can set it to render a 4K resolution and set your own screen resolution too).

You shouldn't get any problems with your setup, if you haven't done it yet you can overclock the CPU for a huge performance increase when you need it, will take a watercooler or big air cooler to do so. And when that SSD runs out of space for new games, use a HDD that DOESN'T have the OS installation on it, would be stupid having one drive run very stressed and other drives just sittin' idle.

Hope this late answer helped ;)