cat vs computer



Does anyone have any non old lady ways of keeping cats off of your keyboard and mouse pad? I also have a problem with my cat trying to act as if my pointer on the screen is the most interesting thing in the world and they don't just swat at it lightly, they cat will pounce on the thing and almost break my screen 90% of the time. I talked to a pet place and they didn't really have any idea what I was talking about, they told me just do this and this with your desk and keep the wires away from the cat, well I just don't have 5 or 6 cords for my computer, I have my gaming pc and my work pc which also has a lot of cords coming out of it, and I also have my 40 port switch which is using about half of the ports available. I just can't figure out how to keep all of this stuff out of reach of my cat. The room that I have all of my computer stuff in is also my bedroom, and the room which my cat first lived in when I got him, so he considers it as his home base, or safe zone. Just looking for any creative non abusive ideas. No water bottle, hitting etc.. I don't approve of hitting any animal.


Apr 22, 2013
Discipline usually works for me when i had to teach my roommates dog that its bad to try and lick my power supply since its out of the case and my pc side panel is off. If the dogs listen they get a treat and never do it again but for cats i heard its kind of hard. Cats like to have your attention 90% of the time just keep that in mind