FX 6300 Bottlenecks GTX 770 or no?


Jan 13, 2014
I have been doing some research and whether a FX 6300 would bottleneck a GTX 770 or not. I am personally running @ 4.1GHz while gaming (because of the turbo core technology setting). I keep seeing some people saying yes and others saying no. Any clarification for my situation would be great.

My gaming monitor is 60Hz (1920 x 1080 ) and my secondary monitor used for web browsing is 60Hz (1600 x 900).

Motherboard is : M5A97 r2.0

I can't decide whether I should go with the 770 or go to the 760 in case the 770 bottlenecks :(

Link to the 770: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-SuperClocked-Graphics-02G-P4-2774-KR/dp/B00CZIQXBA/ref=sr_sp-btf_title_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1403216083&sr=8-9&keywords=gtx+760+4gb

Edit: Just noticed I linked the Superclocked version. Will this add more bottlenecking? Should I be worried about it or should I get non superclocked version?
Honestly, it doesn't really matter which version of the 770 you get, but it wouldn't hurt to get the superclocked version because the card is usually binned higher than the regular ones (higher quality pcb). You are not going to notice a bottleneck.

In general, it is more important to get a better gpu than cpu. I wouldn't worry at all about having a bottleneck.


May 26, 2014
The GTX 760 won't use 4GB ram on it's own, it's not powerful enough, unless your planning a SLI setup.

If this is to be a single card system, get the GTX 770 or R9 280X for the best performance.


Jan 13, 2014

Really only bout 10%? I saw the comparision on GPUboss and they were showing the 770 getting about 50 FPS in 3 different games while 760 was getting 41 FPS :O

Edit: I am gonna run it on an FX 6300 OC @ 4.1ghz. I know I can run the 760 without bottlenecking like this. Will I able to run the 770 without bottlenecking it?
GPUBoss is not credible. They don't do actual test runs. And yes, only 10 - 15%, which in the GPU world is kind of significant. It doesn't look big on paper. In the same scale, the GTX 780 is only 10 - 15% faster than a GTX 770. They don't go up by big margins but that is a decent jump. Again, it just looks small on paper.

Edit: The FX-6300 will not bottleneck the GTX 770.


Jan 13, 2014

Is there a way I can be sure about this? To be completely honest I run my CPU at stock speed. But with the default turbo core technology it has on when I'm gaming it pushes the CPU to 4.1GHz. Just really wanna make I dont bottleneck it.



I agree - get the gtx 770 and the fx-6300 should not bottleneck. You will not be able to utilize 4gb of vram on the 760 with a playable fps.

Site like GPUBoss, HWCompare, game-debate, etc are NOT good sites for comparing graphics cards. All they do is look at raw mhz/ghz, # cores, bandwidth, etc and not real world performance. To find credible reviews/comparisons of cards, stay here on Tom's or look at sites like anandtech and overclock.net.


Jan 13, 2014

Does this mean running a 4GB 760 on a single GPU setup will actually hurt my FPS?



Sorry, I don't think I was being clear. It will not hurt your fps. What I was trying to say is that the 760 is not powerful enough to run games well at a resolution of 2560x1400 or greater. So, if you turn on all the eye candy at such a resolution, you will have plenty of vram, but not enough actual graphical horsepower to run at an fps of 30 or more.

EDIT: I should note that for a game like Skyrim, you very well might need the 4gb of vram if you mod it.


Jan 13, 2014

I play games at 1920 x 1080 :) My second monitor is just used for web browsing and it is a 1600 x 900. I assume the 770 is the better option for me then. But for fx 6300 @ 4.1GHz while gaming I am afraid of it bottlenecking.



Jan 13, 2014
Friendly bump. I have been doing some research and whether a FX 6300 would bottleneck a GTX 770 or not. I am personally running @ 4.1GHz while gaming (because of the turbo core technology setting). I keep seeing some people saying yes and others saying no. Any clarification for my situation would be great.

My gaming monitor is 60Hz (1920 x 1080 ) and my secondary monitor used for web browsing is (1600 x 900).

Motherboard is : M5A97 r2.0

I can't decide whether I should go with the 770 or go to the 760 in case the 770 bottlenecks :(
There will always be some bottleneck somewhere. It can be on the GPU or CPU and it also depends on the game you play. But for the main question is: "Is the bottleneck noticeable?" The answer in your case is no. So you can argue and nitpick at very small fps decrease, but overall, the GTX 770 is a better card and your FX-6300 will run it fine without noticeable bottlenecks.

So to put this into perspective, let's say you have two monitors both at 1080p but one at 60 Hz and another at 120 Hz. If you cannot tell the difference between gaming on both monitors, then it's not noticeable. The same for bottlenecks. While they exist, it depends on whether or not you will notice it. If the bottleneck impact is small to the point of being negligible, then we will say that there's no bottleneck.


Jan 13, 2014

Very informativep osts! :) A few more opinions is all I would like to decide :) Don't wanna sound needy :/



Mar 10, 2013
Your FX 6300 shouldn't cause a noticeable bottleneck with the 770. The only exceptions would be in CPU intensive games, but even then the GPU is still significantly more important than the CPU. Possible exceptions would be Battlefield 3, 4 player Diablo 3 since Blizzard sucks at optimizing their games, Watchdogs since they recommend a core i7, and I really can't think of anything else off the top of my head.

Even then, you should see comparable FPS to my core i5/GTX 770 setup. Maybe about 10-15 FPS lower in CPU intensive titles, but don't quote me on that because I pulled that number straight out of my ass. :)


Your fx-6300 should not be an issue when paired with the gtx 770. Whether you have one, two, or three monitors, performance really only depends on what gpu you have. Since you're going to be gaming at 1080p, 2gb vram is all you need. The fx-6300 will not give you any noticeable bottleneck. Technically, every cpu or gpu will be a bottleneck. It just depends on how the game is optimized. Some games are more cpu intensive (like Skyrim or mmorpg's like Guild Wars 2) while others are more gpu intensive. The fx-6300 and gtx 770 are pretty balanced and any bottleneck wouldn't be noticeable. A simple example is this: lets say you run a game. The cpu could be at 100% usage while the gpu is at 90% usage. The cpu is bottlenecking, but the gpu is close to maxed out anyways, so you're not losing out on that much performance.


Jan 13, 2014

Thank you a lot (and the person above you). I mainly play MMO's like WoW and occasionally other ones. Moba's too (League of legends). BF 4 and CoD occasionally. Can I expect my fx 6300 to bottleneck the gtx 770 at a noticeable point? Or will it more than likely be little to no bottlenecking?

I linked the superclocked version of the 770 aswell :O Couldnt find the non supserclocked version. Will this add to the bottlenecking if any? (I assume it will) Should I consider trying to find the non SC version and getting that one instead? Thanks!



Honestly, it doesn't really matter which version of the 770 you get, but it wouldn't hurt to get the superclocked version because the card is usually binned higher than the regular ones (higher quality pcb). You are not going to notice a bottleneck.

In general, it is more important to get a better gpu than cpu. I wouldn't worry at all about having a bottleneck.