why is gaming so important in life?


Apr 14, 2014
why games are so important? can't we go out and expirience our own real world in first person mode in more than 120 fps?? also we dont have to buy a GTX titan and Core i7 with a bill gates budget to enjoy high quality graphics!

(says a guy fed up of his own rig, and not able to get a new one due to work load :( .....)

There's a lot less forested areas than I would like in real life (around here), and a lot more laws. If the day comes when Earth is returned to a more agreeable state, I will gladly give up gaming. Until then... nah.


Apr 14, 2014

There goes my time machine to prehistoric era!
Living in the mountains there isnt much to do outside of gaming for me. (even though I have to live with 500KBps down)

Shooting used to be a hobby, but 12G shells are getting too expensive to keep that up.
Riding is fun, but ive been around our 50 acres too many times.
Im 40 minutes from the nearest town with fast food (besides subway), movie theaters, bowling etc so I cant go anywhere with friends often, and with a class size of 119 and again being the mountains a girlfriend is hard to come by (Not to mention expensive)

So until at least some of those get solved, gaming it is. I only spend ~20 bucks a month on games/my rig.
Dont get me wrong however, there is no better feeling for me than waking up to a mountain out my window, and more out the others, a school at the base of one said mountain, and a community where I know everyone!


Apr 14, 2014

i know buddy!
i know that my questions makes no sense practically at all!
i am just soo fed up of my rig, lack of time for enjoyment that i posted it out of frustration!

Also if you kill someone in a video game you get 100 points, you kill someone in real life you get acquitted, you steal someone's money you get 100 years in prison.

Fixed it! :D