AMD Crossfire x2 setup


Sep 4, 2012
Hi guys I currently run a AMD radeon HD 6950. I just bought parts for my pc rebuild and although my card is pretty beefy I was wondering how crossfire has been lately. The reason I ask this is because I've found a ton of horror story's but most are from 2011+2012. I havnt really come across much of what I would call recent so I'm hoping that is because they fixed the stutter issues with firmware.

Question 2: Are there any limitations on a crossfire set up? I could pick up another 6950 for a decent price if I decided but what I mean to ask is could I run a 6950+7xxx and so on?

Note: some of the problems with crossfire I read up on about is games crash and you need to pull out one card and severe stuttering issues.
They still get stutter and performance issues in some games. For example, BF4 and Watchdogs don't always work out well with crossfire or SLI. That doesn't seem like it'll go away any time soon, as the work is more on the game developers than the graphics card companies, and the game devs tend not to devote much of their time or budget to dual GPU setups when they're both a tiny percentage of the market, and inherently unstable.
They still get stutter and performance issues in some games. For example, BF4 and Watchdogs don't always work out well with crossfire or SLI. That doesn't seem like it'll go away any time soon, as the work is more on the game developers than the graphics card companies, and the game devs tend not to devote much of their time or budget to dual GPU setups when they're both a tiny percentage of the market, and inherently unstable.