Keep my gtx 770 or upgrade


Jun 24, 2014
Trying to figure out if I should upgrade my gtx 7702gb card. It runs most of my games fine, but the games that I like to play the most it does dip down to 35-45 which really bugs me and makes me become annoyed. I'm still finishing up my work pc so I won't have any money to really spend for about another month. I also plan on buying a 1440p pls monitor later on as well. So I'm not really sure what I should get, I saw on tech of tomorrow they said that the 800 series is coming this fall most likely, and I was planning on buying the 880 or 880ti. I really don't want anything to do with sli, I really don't like the noise from the fans.

Please no other component suggestions, nothing in my system is a bottleneck and I also have a tier 1 1000w psu


Well GTX 880 isn't released yet, so you can wait for it if you really want to buy it. I heard that it will be cheaper than GTX 780. It will be more powerful for sure, so I suggest you to upgrade it.