A certain tile on Windows 8...


May 13, 2013

Recently I was looking at my Start menu, and saw a Microsoft Office tile, but I deleted it, resulting in it disappearing. However now, I need it but because it's not there, I can't really do anything. I was hoping if anyone could help me find a replacement tile download or something... My PC is a HP with Windows 8.1

Many thanks. :)
first... Why do you need it... It is just a leader to buying Office.

Second, is your system fully updated? Win8 a pain unless you are all the way updated. If you are, on the Start screen, you should have the shutdown and search icons next to your name in the top right... If not go finish the updates.

Third, the Icon/Tile is a shortcut. With a fully updated 8.1, there is an arrow below the lower left tile on the Start screen, click it, find what you are missing (or use Search) right click it and select Pin to Start