I have 3 system fans, and my motherboard only has 2 system fan slots.


Jun 18, 2014
Like the title says, I have 3 system fans and only 2 system fan slots on my motherboard. One of the slots has 3 prongs and the other one has 4. all three of my fans have 3 holes. My motherboard is the MSI A78M E35.

Also, sorry for not knowing the proper words for "prongs" and "holes" unless those are the words normally used in that context. It's my first build!
on the motherboard make sure the 4 prong says system fan and not cpu fan. the 4 pins are pmw fan ports. one pin is used fan control and yu have to plug the three pin fan in right or you can burn out your fan header on the mb. for safty if your fans are all 3 pins pick up a 4 pin to 3 pin cable. it keep you from miss wiring your fan. you can also pick up what called a y cable and run two fans from one 3 pin port.
on the motherboard make sure the 4 prong says system fan and not cpu fan. the 4 pins are pmw fan ports. one pin is used fan control and yu have to plug the three pin fan in right or you can burn out your fan header on the mb. for safty if your fans are all 3 pins pick up a 4 pin to 3 pin cable. it keep you from miss wiring your fan. you can also pick up what called a y cable and run two fans from one 3 pin port.