How to get higher fps in games? [SOLUTION]


Jun 21, 2014
So many of you guys have this problemFPS IS TOO LOW.

This is how you check it out first. Download free Fraps.
Check your fps, it will be shown in your tp left corner.
Now how to get it higher?
1) Lower your resolution.
2) In graphics settings set textures and stuff to low.
3) Turn of Anti-aliasing and stuff like that becuse you dont need it.
4) Dont use any kind of game boosters.
5) Save money to buy components for your pc.

If there's questions ask me below.
I hope i helped.


1) Obvious...
2) Obvious...
3) It does help with image quality, but still obvious...
4) The ones that just cull background tasks are alright, but anything else is more likely to install a virus or adware while otherwise changing nothing.
5) Also...

1) Obvious...
2) Obvious...
3) It does help with image quality, but still obvious...
4) The ones that just cull background tasks are alright, but anything else is more likely to install a virus or adware while otherwise changing nothing.
5) Also obvious...

I'm not sure you understand the complaints about framerate that pop up around here. Usually when people ask about it, it's for advice about what part to replace, or because its much lower performance than tests say their components should get. Not because they don't have the common sense to turn some graphics options down.