Why is there no software that turns your computer screen into a myopia fix?


Sep 23, 2013
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision condition in which close objects are seen clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred due to the fact that the eyeball is too long or the cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, has too much curvature. As a result, the light entering the eye isn’t focused correctly and distant objects look blurred.

This is fixed with glasses for example, by bending the visual images that enter the eyes, focusing the images correctly at the back of the eye.

My question is, why is there no software that turns your computer screen into the glasses itself? You could choose your degree of myopia, the distance at which you're going to be looking the screen from, and the software would properly distort the image for it to reach the eye at the correct spot.
It wouldn't eliminate the glasses industry since this would only be practical for working with computers (where the distance of the image is always the same).
So, why does it not exist?
That can not be done. The eyes have to be able to focus on the screen in order to receive the image from it (distorted or not). A myopic eye can not see clearly the image, hence any software that would distort the image would be useless (just like it can not see the good image, it can not see the distorted image, either).
Try looking through a magnifying glass at a PC screen from a normal distance in order to experience what a myopic eye sees. You'll immediately understand what I'm saying.


As someone who has been nearsighted for almost 50 years...it doesn't work like that. Glasses and contacts work due to the physical proximity to the eye.

Adding to that, rarely are we looking at only the computer screen. Without my glasses, I can't read anything more than 18" away. If the PC screen were to compensate so I didn't have to have my glasses on, I couldn't see anything else.

There exists display applications to make the text, etc larger, so as to be readable at a distance. All the other stuff, though...images especially, would suffer.
That can not be done. The eyes have to be able to focus on the screen in order to receive the image from it (distorted or not). A myopic eye can not see clearly the image, hence any software that would distort the image would be useless (just like it can not see the good image, it can not see the distorted image, either).
Try looking through a magnifying glass at a PC screen from a normal distance in order to experience what a myopic eye sees. You'll immediately understand what I'm saying.



No matter what the screen is doing, my eyes literally cannot focus at that distance. You can make the text larger and mostly readable, but it would still be 'fuzzy'.
Basically, the parallel light beams that come from the object (any object, including the screen) has to be "diverged" by a refractive medium, a lens, before it hits the cornea, to compensate for the excessive convergence a myopic eye has. It's the physics of the optical correction system that has to exist between the eye and the object. If you modify (alter) the image on the screen, it will be the altered image that has to be corrected by the lens, too, otherwise you'll just have an uncorrected fuzzy image.