Problem with Office 2007


Jun 17, 2014
Hi Everyone,

I'm having a problem with excel 2007, every time I open it I get the message

" Cannot find 'AutoOpen Stub Data' !$A$1, which has been assigned to run each time (somefile name.xls) is opened. Continuing could cause errors".

Please give me idea how to fixed this. Thanks.

The 'machine' doesn't have a problem, your data is not where it can access plainly. So either make a new Excel sheet that you hand input the numbers manually, or if your company allows, get VPN access to the LAN when you need to use this Excel form. The IT Dept will help you out.
Sounds like your Excel spreadsheet has included a file it is supposed to pull date down from for location A1 (top left corner) to auto fill in the spreadsheet. This usually occurs in businesses when someone links to a 'common shared directory' everyone INSIDE the company LAN has access to, but when email to someone at home, another location, they don't have that 'access' externally to that same 'place' and causes the error.


Jun 17, 2014

I do have files being shared on a LAN network and I recently transfer files to the machine having the problem. How do I fix it?

The 'machine' doesn't have a problem, your data is not where it can access plainly. So either make a new Excel sheet that you hand input the numbers manually, or if your company allows, get VPN access to the LAN when you need to use this Excel form. The IT Dept will help you out.