Distances For Wifi


Apr 29, 2011
Suppose you have a circle. From the middle of the circle you have 1,000 ft and at the other end you have another 1,000 ft. How can I get coverage for the circle?
That is tough. The general rule is 150 feet indoors and 300 feet outdoors. With the right equipment you should be able to get a little better than 300ft outdoors if you don't have much interference.
I would put wireless AP's in a triangle configuration. Using channels 1,6 and 11. I have not done the math on the distances but you should be able to set them up so that the entire circle gets adequate coverage.
Here is a simple drawing of that I am talking about with the red dots being your wireless AP's.
After thinking about it I don't think the triangle setup will work at all. It looks like you are talking 1000 ft in every direction. A liitle more about your setup would help (indoor, outdoor, how many clients, etc). Anyway if your talking outdoors in a big field with little interference and not more than 25 or so clients per AP (none doing streaming video) I would try a setup with 5 AP's as seen below. The red AP on channel 6. The blue AP's on channel 1 and the green AP's on channel 11. Each AP being about 680 feet from the center AP.


Apr 29, 2011
Thanks for the answers. I guess I should of put down that this is for a farm area without a lot of trees. I'm trying to setup cameras which will be able to view from all over the area with the area being 1,000ft in either direction. I'm actually new to this networking stuff and wondering what is AP?

So the wireless coverage if for the device you will be viewing the cameras from and not the connection to the cameras themselves? Is that right?