What makes one a pro-gamer?

Who is called a pro gamer?
Does pro gamer means completing levels/missions/stages without or very less number of retries/deaths? Or completing time-trial events (like the ones in racing games) with Gold-medal that too with less retries?
OR Something else?
Pro gamer is someone that plays the game for profit. They are a "professional" once they make money in tournaments or otherwise.

Now, if you have someone that is really really good (just as good as a pro) but does not make money playing, you could call them "expert".....



Pro gamer is someone that plays the game for profit. They are a "professional" once they make money in tournaments or otherwise.

Now, if you have someone that is really really good (just as good as a pro) but does not make money playing, you could call them "expert".....




No, no, I meant what the others said: those who are paid to play in e-sports tournaments and such.