Dust Cover For PC?


Jul 8, 2014
Hey guys!
Im building a new PC (http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Rampoo1208/saved/J8ZzK8) and I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions at all, but more specifically, I'm looking to get a dust cover or something of that sort, because i have 2 cats and 1 dog, and I don't want to have to end up cleaning my computer out every couple of months.
The problem is you can't run it with a dust cover on because there is no airflow, and when it's off, you don't need a dust cover because there is no fans going in that are pulling in air and fur and dust. a PC that's off won't ever get anything inside of it, no air pressure pulling it in. Don't know why someone didn't figure that out 20 years ago when dust covers were all the rage. lol.


Jul 8, 2014

I meant like a dust filter to put over the fan to keep the dust from getting in. I do not know why I said dust cover.
Also: Do you see anything you would like to add or take off of my build? This is going to be my first build so I would like to find all the knowledge I can get about the PC parts.