Sapphire 3GB 7950 Vapor-X Fan Trouble. How to disable 1 fan?


May 20, 2009
Basically the rear fan of my 7950 (has 2 fans) is running weird, it's slower and it rattles. There is nothing blocking it, I took my gpu out and I cleaned the dust out as much as I could. My guess it's something inside the fan that's slowing it down, there is no entry to oil it so I couldn't do that.

Is there a software that lets you control individual gpu fans, if you've got 2? At the moment I got a pen (lol) placed upright between the bottom of my tower and the fan to stop it from moving because the rattling is so fucking annoying. I have still got warranty but I can't send it off cause I need my PC so this is just a temporary solution.

thanks guys
If you got warranty its best to send it off for a replacement before it ends.
No there isn't any other way to control the fans individually. You might need to buy a cheap gpu as a temporary use.