3570k@4.8 what voltage/temps are safe? Advice needed


Jan 12, 2014
K, so I'm pretty sure my CPU@4.8 needs around 1.28 volts to be safe.

So what temps under stress testing should i try stay under? stay under 80c?

And will 1.28 volts reduce the lifespan of my CPU a lot? i still want to keep it till skylake comes out lol.

So, i need a bit of advice here.

I don't really want my CPU sucking up 1.28 volts all the time as i don't think it's safe but from my experience load line calibration i may need to make an offset so when i play games it may go to over 1.3v so when i stress test it's base is still 1.28 (hope that makes sense)
Yep, you're correct. 80 degrees is where the line is, anything over can hurt your cpu.
With the i5 3570k anything under 1.3v-1.4v is fine. So as long as your temps are fine your cpu should last.
Now if you were using on the limit 1.4v you should be worried, but your fine.


Yep, you're correct. 80 degrees is where the line is, anything over can hurt your cpu.
With the i5 3570k anything under 1.3v-1.4v is fine. So as long as your temps are fine your cpu should last.
Now if you were using on the limit 1.4v you should be worried, but your fine.


Jan 12, 2014

Thank you i game maybe 2-5 hours a day depending on how much spare time i have. so will it be safe for my CPU to use 1.3v for that long? i will use LLC so it will down clock itself when I'm just browsing the web. i do want my CPU to last till skylake comes out lol

Also. Will i see much of a performance increase going from 3.8 too 4.7 (4.8 is a little unsafe for me) Basically is overclocking my 3570k worth it at the moment for gaming.

I have a 780ti and I'm using a 1440p monitor.



I own the i5-3570k as well, even with a 780 ti and that resolution that cpu will keep up even without overclocking :) it's mainly just for the heck of overclocking. It should be fine on 1.4v. Just don't go any higher than that, if you are able to try to bring that to maybe 1.35v. That will put less strain on the cpu. 1.4v is the most limit. Most people keep 1.35v as the max so you're a little over, Even if you have to decrease the clock your cpu will not bottleneck at all in games.

good luck.


Jan 12, 2014

for 4.7 my CPU needs 1.26v so i should be OK but ima keep it on the safe side and not OC for a while