Wii U Game Suggsetions

Hello Everyone,

I bought a Wii U earlier this week. I got the special edition Wind Waker HD Bundle. I am looking for some good game suggestions please.

So far I have bought:
Wind Waker HD (came with console)
Mario Kart 8
Assassins Creed III

They have also given me:
Wii Sports Club
Pikmin 3

I have about $10 in free codes for the eShop also which I am considering to buy Child of Light with. I'm a fairly old school gamer, and missing the days of Super Mario 64 and SNES classics picked up the system. I mostly am interested in good zombie games, survival games, horror games, really enjoyable RPG games, strategy games, or anything else you feel is worth mentioning. The only things I really say no to are sports games.

So if you have any suggestions I would appreciate hearing them and a brief explanation of what you like about it.

Thanks :)
These new Mario games have many of the original characters, abilities, controls etc. we know and love, borrowing from all of the previous iterations, so much so you really feel they are authentic extensions of the originals, but they put lavish attention to the updated physics/graphics /level design etc. and managed to create fantastic new worlds. The game-play is delightful and as always, very challenging. The SMB U game is side scrolling, my preference for a Mario game, the 3D game is more like the N64 version but is equally amazing to the U, even better probably.

I have yet to try Child of Light, looks like I probably should. I really got this system for the nostalgia. to be honest, and it delivered.
Nintendo has done a fantastic job with the Mario games - super mario bros.u and super mario 3d world. And be sure to check out their online store where you can pick up many of the original NES games and play them on the U. The nostalgia is really sweet.
Thanks for the input, which of the Mario games do you think is better?
I have seen and read about both the ones you mentioned but from what I have seen so far they look about the same as each other, and look like a 3D version of Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES. I have been considering to pick up one of those but am lost on which one is better or what they are like.

For the shop on the system online I have been looking lately. I have $10 they gave me for free on there to download games but I am not sure which way I want to go. I decided I would put $5 with it and get either
Option 1: Child of Light
Option 2: Super Metroid & The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Child of Light looks good too but not a lot gets said about gameplay I have seen, just a lot about the art. So its a hard pick for me between it or these two classics I love already.
These new Mario games have many of the original characters, abilities, controls etc. we know and love, borrowing from all of the previous iterations, so much so you really feel they are authentic extensions of the originals, but they put lavish attention to the updated physics/graphics /level design etc. and managed to create fantastic new worlds. The game-play is delightful and as always, very challenging. The SMB U game is side scrolling, my preference for a Mario game, the 3D game is more like the N64 version but is equally amazing to the U, even better probably.

I have yet to try Child of Light, looks like I probably should. I really got this system for the nostalgia. to be honest, and it delivered.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I think i will go for Super Mario World 3D then. I really loved Super Mario Bros 3 on NES back in the day, but I'm a 90s child so the consoles that rocked my world were SNES, N64, and PS1 more than anything else. Even getting the Xbox at like 12 and it being better than everything else, nothing really seems to hold my nostalgia more than SNES, N64 and PS1. So the more like Super Mario 64 and Super Mario RPG it is the more I'm going to love it. Might try the other one when the prices come down a bit more :p

I totally get what you are saying about the Wii U for nostalgia, as I did the same. For some reason on Wii I wasn't feeling like playing the games for nostalgia, but now I feel like it would be nice to see how the games have changed over time as I haven't been in the Zelda, Mario, Metroid games since the SNES and (N64 for mario). So I am glad to have a console which has the old classics, updated versions of those classics, and some new treats to add an extra layer of icing on top.