Does this case have spacers?


Jul 18, 2014
Hey I have had and built this gaming pc running for around 2 years now and have noticed something. The other day i discovered something called "spacers" and have to recollection of adding them when i built this PC. I also read that apparently many cases nowadays have them already built in. So does this case have built in spacers?

I am getting a bit worried now, has my computer been running the risk of shorting all this time? I never noticed or was warned about this in the instruction manual.


I'm not sure if it has built in spacers or not, but i'd guess that you either put them on without realising, or they were built in. All spacers do is lift the motherboard slightly so it doesn't rest against the metal motherboard panel in your case. If you're really freaking out than try to stick your finger between the motherboard and the panel on your case, if there is a space, you've got spacers. You can also feel for one of the bolts along the side of the motherboard in this gap. If you feel something smooth than you've got spacers, if you feel the thread on the screw, you should probably worry.