My keyboard is typing the wrong keys


Jul 19, 2014
Hello! Right now I am using two different keyboards (One to type properly and the other to show you what I mean). I recently worked on my wire management and put everything back and turned on. When I got to typing on my keyboard it put in the wrong keys, sometimes more than one key.
I will work left to right on the keyboard below to show you all:

` - Nothing
1 - z1
2 - Nothing
3 - c3
4 - 4
5 - v5/
6 - Nothing
7 - 7
8 - 8
9 - 9
0 - 0
- - s-
= - d=
Backspace - Nothing
Tab - Tab function
q- qj
w - Nothing
e - el
r - Nothing
t - Nothing
y - y
u - Nothing
i - Nothing
o - ao
p - kp
[ - [
] - ]
\ - \
Caps - Caps Lock Function
a - ao
s - s-
d - d=
f - f b
g - g (and right clicks)
h - h
j - qj
k - kp12345
l - el
; - ;
' - '
Enter - Enter Fuction
Shift - Shift Function
z -z1
x - Nothing
c - c3
v - v5
b - b (but goes an entire line up)
n - n
m - m
, - ,
. - .
/ - /
Crtl - Crtl Function
L Alt - Tab
Space - 4
R Alt - Tab
WIndows Start - Nothing
Crtl - Crtl Function
F1 - f
F2 - (enter function)
F3 - F3 Function
F4 - ao
F5 - f
F6 - (enter function)
F7 - Tab Function
F8 - s-
F9 - d=
F10 - qj
F11 - Nothing
F12 - el

I'll stop there, as you can see my keyboard is being pretty whacky and I don't know why!
So please help, I have looked online and there's no answer that fixes this question.
Welcome to Tom's Hardware Forums,
Sounds like an interesting problem but I have some questions:
What is the make and model of the keyboard?
Are there any macros installed?
Have you tried that keyboard on another computer?
What steps have you taken to troubleshoot so far?


Jul 19, 2014

It is a Thermaltake Challenger Keyboard, no macros installed, I have and it does a similar sort of thing but applies different keys to the keys I showed above, and as for troubleshooting: I first tried restarting my computer to see if that would help, I checked my region/language settings for my keyboard, I then tried to get some help from different threads saying to "Hit Crtl and Shift" or "Alt and Num Lock" just stuff like that.


Aug 9, 2014
Unusual scancodes or there is a scancode map placed at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout\Scancode Map. If there is a scancode map there, delete it and then reboot. If it's particularily lengthy that could really be quite a map.