Overseas video cards


May 12, 2014
Hi I'm not sure how good this card will be, but it is a fraction of price. Should I avoid buying this card, even if its serviceable would be an upgrade for what I'm using now. I know this can't compare to the real GTX780s, but says to compare it to that model. Has anyone every bought one of these, would this be better than a card I could get say for 200? The bad thing is if I go to hi up I have to get a new psu too, a card that doesn't take a huge psu would easily suffice. The people or person selling this has very high ratings although very few. Thanks for the help.

A GTX 780 is roughly $600. That card is 60 bucks. just a quick comparison and you'll this is a hoax. Never go to Ebay, you'll just end throwing away your money.
That card is fake. Just letting you know.
Its a GTS 250 or GTX 460 if I remember my PCBs.
There is no 384 bit DDR3 card out there.
It lacks a SLI header

I could go on but Im not. If you want a new card around 200 look at the 270/270x. NOT from ebay.