What graphics card should I get


Jul 17, 2014
I'm looking for a graphics card that is less than 330 dollars ( it would hurt but I can get 350) dollars. I want it to be FASTER than my current one, I also don't care for ram, I want it to have at least 2 though. The graphics card I'm currently using is XFX R9-280X-TDBD, and has a core clock of 1.08Ghz. I want a graphics card that can easily handle almost any game on very good settings. My build, https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Guled/saved/mDK2FT. And would Sapphire Radeon R9 280X 3GB Tri-X Toxic Video Card be better.

Link to the sapphire card, https://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-112210140g
because there are more cores in the GPU itself (2560 vs 2048), and the bandwidth of the memory is far greater on the R9 290 (320GB/s compared to 288GB/s), the core speed is just how fast the cores are set to, which the faster the better but if you have a graphics card with more of them clocked lower, that option will be better as the more cores the better, which higher the clock the better also. What I mean in this comparison the lower cores with higher clock rate does not match more cores with slower clock rate.
because there are more cores in the GPU itself (2560 vs 2048), and the bandwidth of the memory is far greater on the R9 290 (320GB/s compared to 288GB/s), the core speed is just how fast the cores are set to, which the faster the better but if you have a graphics card with more of them clocked lower, that option will be better as the more cores the better, which higher the clock the better also. What I mean in this comparison the lower cores with higher clock rate does not match more cores with slower clock rate.