New Windows Update Guide.


Use it carefully. I tried a few different ways to install the updates for Windows 8 on a fresh install and so far the best way is to look up every update, see what it does and deceide if you need it right now. Also see if anyone has reported an issue with any updates this will require some digging. And limit the updates installed to a small number each day. Otherwise there may be some issues. Oh and If anyone has a way or fix for Event ID 1530 let me know
Here's a better idea. If it's a critical update, install it. If it's an important update, don't, unless you know exactly what the update addresses and it's history of imminent catastrophes. And if it's an optional update that's not a driver update you want changed, ignore it completely. Then, wait, the 8.2 update will be out soon, which will once again screw up everything that finally got straightened out after all the 8.1 fiascos, and some things that never got straightened out, and finally, a whole bunch of new things will get screwed up that will require an entire learning and recovery period all over again which should give you enough time to seek a few months of therapy prior to Windows 9 being released at which time everybody will begin singing the praises of Windows 7 (Like they do XP now) because 9 is likely to be as nightmarish as Vista was. Or, 8.2 could solve everybody's current woes and 9 may usher in an era of Utopia. But I doubt it. Sorry Vitric9, didn't mean to hijack your thread but I couldn't see any way not to plus it just felt really good.



This was for Lols really. All time that i have to spare for my PC has been dedicated to trying to get Windows 8 pro(vanilla) the way it was before I used the 8.1 update. I did install on new hardware but the OEM license change was the easy part. Trying to keep my OS stable is another story. 3rd try now on this PC. I have not installed updates past Q1 2013 yet. I did install all the updates the first time and it got messy.
What is really bugging me is that Windows 7 will not be getting support in 6 months aside from Security updates from Microsoft and say if you bought Windows 8.1 you will not be getting any updates at all until the Windows 8.1 update 1 is installed. It is sad really to see these moves made.
Sorry my friend, I didn't realize the post was for a specific individual. My bad. I do feel the tiniest bit better after that power rant though. I feel your pain, believe me. I'm mostly past the growing pains of the most recent round of updates but I'm not looking forward to whatever they have planned to sideswipe us with next.