Another TEMPRATURE related thread

Mitchell Silk

Jul 23, 2014
Hi guys and girls

first time poster here. always end up on this forum so figured i'd finally join it.

Just finished building my 2nd pc. the specs are below:

I7 4790K + corsair h60 liquid cooling
MSI Gaming 5 mobo
r9 290 (XFX double dissapation black edition)
800w strike x PSU
the case is a h440 by NZXT it has cpu liquid cooling and an additional 6 fans (6+fan for cpu cooling)

basically im running a program called open hardware monitor

my cpu temps whilst running three screens on eyefinity whilst playing sniper elite 3 where at a constant of about 60 cels. is that too high for constant gaming?

the gpu was sitting at about 85cels. constantly. i know some 290's had problems with cooling hence i got the double fan edition.

at idle the temps are sitting cpu 22cels and gpu 40cels.

just want to know if you guys think this is safe... mainly the gpu -> do i need to invest in vga liquid cooling????
the cpu temp is perfectly fine and normal, and the gpu's temp is to be expected. AMD has stated that 85c on their 290/X/ cards is 'Perfectly safe'