How to install windows on ubuntu Novatium??I can't access Boot option or Bios settings either.


Dec 26, 2011
I want to install windows 7 on my ubuntu novatium??? I cannot access boot option or Bios Menu....after i tried F1 upto F12,Delete,CTRL+alt+F1 or S or ESC, etc.
so is there a way there a w ay to install windows without going to bios settings,??? i mean can't load or Boot any Removable device ...please Help me !! Its FORSTAR Mini laptop with Ubuntu Novatium.I need Urgent help please.....Hurry :)
email: <address removed by moderator>
What kind of sh^&% laptop is that - Google does know nothing about it, only pleas from people like you...
How you try to boot Windows installation?
ANd finally - why not call the manufacturer' support site for help? It should be included somewhere on the documentation of your laptop...
What kind of sh^&% laptop is that - Google does know nothing about it, only pleas from people like you...
How you try to boot Windows installation?
ANd finally - why not call the manufacturer' support site for help? It should be included somewhere on the documentation of your laptop...