how would I buy online (steam)


May 20, 2014
I am 16 years old and I am building a gaming pc. All my friends that are the same age as me, all buy games off steam?. I have a bank account/debit card. How and what do to buy games off steam. Don't want to ask my parent, they know I want to buy games, but they said do it yourself.
Plz help


Jul 19, 2009

When you go to checkout and then payment they will ask for the 16 digit card number, the 3 digit number on the back, expiration date (MM-YY) and cardholder name (name that appears on the card). If there is a credit as well as a debit card option use debit, but if it says credit you can use your debit card info it'll get charged in the same manner


Jul 19, 2009

Yea I can't see how paypal would be more beneficial, that's like saying, "Instead of adding my card info directly on steam, i'm going to make an account on a 3rd party website and add my card info on there instead so I can add a few extra steps to the process"... I mean paypal would be beneficial if he's going to use paypal for other things as well (e.g. purchasing/selling things on e-commerce sites), but the dudes 16.... one step at a time.....


It's not an additional step, but rather a more secure step IMO.

Steam requires you to directly type in your card's number and can remember that information, and AFAIK that data is stored locally on a file in your PC. I'm not sure if the mechanism changed, but some time ago it was saved into the ClientRegistry.blob file, inside your Steam folder (as a side note, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets saved into a raw binary format; people with a minimal knowledge in DBMS know what I mean :D).
PayPal, on the other hand, should encrypt data server-side and on a different server than the ones used for transactions and web services, not to mention Steam accounts get stolen easier than PayPal ones...

Also, I'm paranoid, so yeah, I'm with James Mason here....PayPal XD


Is it a gift card?

Not sure about other countries honestly, but I doubt it's different... All of them must have a 16 digit number (4x4 numbers), your name and the expiration date on the front, with a 7 digit number on the back (4-3 formatted number).

The only way possible of not having any of the aforementioned information is when they're gift cards, but in that case they should work without the need of anything else...