Old Gen Crossfire or Single Latest Gen GPU?


Jul 19, 2013
Upgrading my system and looking for input:

Current GPU: Radeon HD 6870
Specs here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121418

I like performance, but I like best performance for the money better - I do not have the cash to blow out my a$$ :)

I'm stuck between buying another 6800 series card or a single (new) card of roughly the equivalent price (there is the most flexibility here). I paid $180 for the above card, and another 6800 card would be roughly the same price. In total that's around $380, so for a single "better" card I prefer something cheaper than that for this to be "worth" it, if it even is at all. If I buy a new single card I see it as a wasted $180 so if it's possible I'd love to know if another 6800 would enable me to do what I need to accomplish on my machine.

I've read the pros and cons of xfire - the pros don't appear to be as strong as the cons in this situation, but I'm open new ideas/factors. I'm the kind of person to factor in the possibility of two less powerful GPU's creating more heat and a higher electricity bill.

Another factor is I will be rendering environments in UDK. Gaming comes second, but I do enjoy current gen games at high/ultra settings. This little card can run crysis at 5760x1080 on ultra. I do not want a workstation card as GPUs have OpenGL and to my knowledge can help with offline rendering. See post by Xoliul: http://www.polycount.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-94364.html

I'm also upgrading to 16GB RAM with consideration to file swapping. These 6800 cards have 1GB available to them (so 2GB in total if I go the xfire route), and I don't know if a single card with more RAM (like 3GB @384bits) will make a persuasive difference while rendering scenes that could take well up to 2 hours.

For a single card I'm considering one of the variations of the R9 280s. The best performance for price card specs here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127789&cm_re=radeon_r9_280-_-14-127-789-_-Product

I guess my question is IS a single card from [possibly] the R9 lineup more powerful and worth the money over a cheaper but effective boost to my 6870? Any insight is appreciated - hit me with all your tech knowledge! Please correct me if I am wrong anywhere along the way here, or if there is something I should/should not do! Thank you!

Other specs:
Phenom II x6 1100t BE
3 Monitors (gaming)
2GB 1333 DDR3 x4
well for multi monitors you need a r9 280(not x min) it has 3gb vram needed for multi monitor. second xfire doesnt stack up the vram so your still stuck with 1gb vram. 3rd the 6800 is out dated i recommend saving up to at minimum a r9 280x(280$) or r9 290 (369$) they will max out games and stay strong for years

You might want to get a R9 290, they sell for around 390$.
well for multi monitors you need a r9 280(not x min) it has 3gb vram needed for multi monitor. second xfire doesnt stack up the vram so your still stuck with 1gb vram. 3rd the 6800 is out dated i recommend saving up to at minimum a r9 280x(280$) or r9 290 (369$) they will max out games and stay strong for years


Dec 31, 2013
I don't think it would be a good idea to CF 6870's for these reasons

1. You will still only have 1GB VRAM (Outdated)
2. More Electricity
3. Outdated Architecture
4. No Mantle API Support
5. Crossfire has glitches/ framepacing issues
6. PCI Slot wasted
7. At most 10-40% improvement

I would just get an r9 280/280x


May 2, 2014
A new card would be best. Crossfire has limited support, and performance will just add up to that of a single newer card except for the lack of vram for eyefinity. Like the other guy said. Something like a 280 3gb would be best. And you wont have to worry about those old card sucking up the massive amount of power that they need