Can I run 3 2560 1440 monitors with 2 6gb gtx780s


Jul 26, 2014
I have recently bought a new gaming system after having mediocre systems for years.

My new system is overclocked 4790k, asus heroVII, 32gb ram, ssd, 2 6gb evga gtx 780s.

Therefore can I run three 27" 2560 1440 monitors or should I get three 1920 1080 with high refresh rate.

and help and advice appreciated for this newbie
thx guys

the 780ti/r9 290x will absolutely run 1440p monitor a r9 280x can and...


If you plan on gaming on all three monitors, the 3 1080p monitors are the much better choice as you would need triple SLI to manage to get playable frame rates in the 3 1440p monitors as they have more pixels than a 4k monitor does and you need SLI to get good frame rates at 4k.

With the three 1080p monitors, you would be able to play at ultra settings still, and get 60+ fps in almost all games.

If you only plan on playing games on one monitor, get the 1440p ones as they will look so much better


Jul 26, 2014
I was planning on gaming, currently elder scrolls online. Also some photography work and music recording but only for own use for monitoring performance and timing.

what about mixing monitors with 1440p monitors in the middle, is this possible?


I would imagine so but it will cause problems with getting everything to look right, so I would stick with all three monitors all of the same resolution, as there will be far less issues, but if you just game on the middle monitor, you will be fine


Jul 26, 2014
Looking through various videos, it does seem a huge difference between games in Fps.
Found a video which I can't copy link on iPad showing

Various games frame rates 7680 x 1440 Nvdia surround gtx 780

Some games are fine, others quite poor

If I got 1440 as price similar to the 144hz 1080 monitors, can I adjust the resolution to 1080 and back again easily using Nvdia surround as required?

Thx for time so far guys

May 21, 2014

Ok please pleassssssssssseeeeeee DO NOT get a 144hz monitor. It is impossible to tell the difference between 60hz and 144hz. no matter what people tell you just do not buy it for the refresh rate. only reason to by a 144hz monitor is for 3D.

I personly have 3 1440p monitors running off 1 GTX 780 3gb. and I can hold 30-40Fps on high-ish settings in bio-shock infinite.
May 21, 2014

also you can't mix monitors of different pixel count.

if you have a 1440p monitor and 2 1080p monitors the 1440p monitor will become 1080p.

but if you just want 3 stand alone monitor and not one image over all 3 monitors then you can use 1 1440p and 2 1080p
3 1440p for the 2 gtx 780ti though that 6gb is good for 3 of them the 2560x1440p its like 6k(2560x1440p is 2k so 3 of them is you know) . the what that guy said a 144hz is true but it will let you see up to 14ps. a 60hz monitors only allow for 60fps while a 144hz allows you to see up to 144fps and the experience and mouse will move smoother than at 60hz.
May 21, 2014

we are talking about 780s not 780ti's the Ti's are a whole new level of epicness

opps sorry i hate they named them so simliar but then again it lets you know which is more superior. r9 290/r9 290x gtx 780/gtx 780ti lol


Jul 26, 2014
this is the link I found

of frame rates, wish it said what setting these games are on. some impressive frame rates, some ok. Just wish the game setting was added.

Final question, I want to run games on high/ultra setting if this fails on 1440p as seems to be the case, can I adjust the setting back to 1080p for ultra/high gaming, then back to 1440p for photography work etc

for the moment elder scrolls online is the most demanding game I will be playing as not really into crisis/c.o.d. styles (prefer a sword to a gun) but these games seem more demanding for some reason.

again thanks for answers and time contributing

the 780ti/r9 290x will absolutely run 1440p monitor a r9 280x can and thats a mid-high end card these are high end cards that run 4k @30fps ultra(unless crossfire/sli'ed then like 60fps) so yeah.

Let me guess, you have never used a 144hz monitor before? (120+hz TV's don't count)

If you do not have experience with something, don't spread false info, even if you "believe" it is true. Anyone with a 120hz+ monitor knows better. While the differences may not be HUGE, there is very notable gains with 120hz+.

The only problem is at such a massive resolution, you may not be pushing very good FPS anyways.
May 21, 2014

At this pixel count 144hz would't even be used. I've done a blind test of 144hz and 60hz, sure i could tell which one was which but it was almost unnoticeable, only thing that gave it away was when i was playing a side scroller with the monitors Side by side.

My opinions are my own, do not spread false information about some one even if you "believe" it to be ture

So you admit to lying (perhaps you meant to exaggerate?). You said it was impossible to see a difference at first, now you say you could tell a difference.

And the biggest impact isn't even when watching. The feed back from a mouse driven game in 1st person is even a bigger impact than just watching.


Feb 18, 2013

This is an extremely inaccurate statement. 144hz and 60hz would be immediately discernible to almost anybody. Tearing (multiple gpu output frames attempting to be displayed in a single monitor refresh cycle) is extremely immersion breaking and that is the primary problem resolved when you increase refresh rate. The secondary problem addressed is response time and overall input lag, yes this will be less noticeable in many games, but will be very apparent in twitch/fast motion games.

Anyone who has used one of the 144hz gaming displays (BenQ, ASUS, AOC, etc models) will tell you the difference is immediate and very pleasing. Hell, navigating the desktop you can see a noticeable difference between 60hz and 144hz.

I thought we were past this whole "refresh rate doesn't matter" debate. There is nothing for you to stand on when you make those claims, you're just being reactionary.

To the OP- I would go for the 3 1440p (you can get 1440p at 120hz- Tempest, upcoming ASUS ROG, Korean Grey Market, etc so I wouldn't think of it as one or the other). You can down scale to 5700 x 1080 as a fall back if your GPUs can't handle it, but those are 2 very powerful cards- should be manageable as long as you are flexible. Should be a hella fun setup- ENJOY!


Feb 18, 2013

Your last sentence is so hypocritical. Like dang man. You "BELIEVE" there is no difference between 60hz and 144hz, the "INFORMATION" says being able to cycle through display refreshes faster will reduce tearing by not having multiple GPU output frames occur within 1 monitor refresh cycle. There have been multiple articles on this very website explaining this and speaking to the benefits of 120hz/144hz.

You are the one mixing up fact and feeling.