Installing my new gpu...


Jul 23, 2014

I've just received my new graphics card and I plan on installing it tonight. I would like to Know What is the correct way of doing things.

Do I uninstall drivers from old card then remove the card, put in the new card and then install drivers?

Do I remove the old card first then delete the drivers ?

I should mention that these cards are both asus cards . The old is a gtx 670 and the new is a gtx 780ti . They use the same drivers . Do I need to remove the drivers at all before replacing the card?

Just don't want to screw anything up and have to spend hours reinstalling everything over and over again.

I'm running windows 8.1 on my system as well.

Thanks in advance.



Just to be safe, I'd still uninstall the old drivers using the display driver uninstaller and uninstall on safe mode. After uninstalling the drivers, turn off your computer and unplug it from the main power source. Then you just take the old card out and install the new one in and install the graphics drivers.


When it comes down to it as far as delete, shutdown, remove, install, boot, reinstall, generally, no, you don't have to do that. Because they use the same driver set, what will happen is this:

Boot computer. OS sees new video hardware. OS says hey, I have this new device, I need drivers, do I have any drivers already in my driver set that matches this device or do I need to install new drivers? Looks through drivers, hey, this device uses this driver which I already have. I'm going to use this one. Install the driver automatically, then probably ask for a reboot.

Note that this will not get the latest VERSION of the driver, it will only query the driver list and see if it matches one it already has. After you get it up and running it's usually a good idea to get the latest version if you don't have them.

I just did this where I tore down a gaming rig, went from a R9-270x downgraded to a HD-7770 and it worked without a hitch.