Can I install Windows 8 onto an external hard drive?


Dec 18, 2012
I am wondering if it is possible to install windows onto and external hard drive. The only reason I want to do this is because I have a computer that only has one sata port (I broke the other one). I connected a 4tb hard drive to the existing sata port and since my computer doesn't have a UEFI I can't use all the space on the hard drive. My idea is to install windows onto an external hard drive so I can make the internal hard drive GPT and use all 4 tarabytes.

To recap, I am trying to install windows 8 onto an external hard drive, I am NOT trying to make a Windows to Go hard drive.

Thank you everyone who has read my question.
Short answer: No
Long answer: No, not really and have it really usable. There are some tutorials about how to do it, but the end result will be less than satisfying.