SSD Serial Gone After Secure Wipe


Feb 2, 2012
I performed a secure wipe on my 120gb ssd because the performance had reached a point where it was half of when I purchased it.

I performed the wipe via parted magic.

My serial number, buffer type, and all health information is now blank. I read one other thread (could only find one in the entirety of the internet with a similar situation as me.)

Did I ruin my ssd? It is running just fine. The other thread reduced that it was bcause he used the enhanced secure wipe. Which is hat I did. I then performed a non enhanced afterward with the null password... (before enhanced with custom pass)

I have a Kingston v300 120gb. Really scared... did I ruin it?


Feb 2, 2012
Alright thank you.
I will do so in the morning after I complete my windows reinstallation.
Additional knout Is greatly appreciated. Keep the replies coming. In cade you guys know anything else about my serial being wiped. (Which truthfullysshouldn't prwsent an issue unless I want to update firmware. But being ocd as I am. That bugs me a ton...)