I have a question about mouse sensitivity


Aug 27, 2013
I have been PC gaming for around 3 months now, and i still haven't mastered my sensitivity.
Ive grew up on consoles and have always known how to use a controller, lock onto people and take them within a couple shots. I have now turned to PC gaming as my main device, i have lots of fun but id like to start getting good at the games i play and i really can control the mouse with pin point accuracy. Like on BF4 im aiming at someone but i can adjust onto them, am i supposed to have it low or high? How can i find my perfect sensitivity??? thanks and BTW i have the corsair m65....

Nathan Hejnicki

Feb 17, 2014
Idk what kind of mouse you have, but I have a Logitech that allows you to change the sensitivity up or down with buttons on the face of it, so when I play FPS I normally have it on high sensitivity (and just normal PC use) but for more sensitive tasks like aiming while sniping or "coloring inside the lines" type work, I just mash the down button. Hopefully you can find some similar settings on your mouse.