NZXT H440 Questions


That's the space for the psu, if I'm on the same wavelength as you and know the 'small space underneath' unless you mean the actual space underneath the case, then that might be a bad idea as it would disrupt airflow, just do what most h440 owners do, get a external cd drive, install OS, uninstall cd drive, never use it again, not many things need a cd drive nowadays, it's just getting started really, you can always install your OS through USB


Jun 15, 2014

Could i not put it underneath? isnt there a small space underneath.

That's the space for the psu, if I'm on the same wavelength as you and know the 'small space underneath' unless you mean the actual space underneath the case, then that might be a bad idea as it would disrupt airflow, just do what most h440 owners do, get a external cd drive, install OS, uninstall cd drive, never use it again, not many things need a cd drive nowadays, it's just getting started really, you can always install your OS through USB


Aug 19, 2014
You can also install your OS using an internal OD when you are connecting and testing all your components outside of the case before tour install. This also helps to troubleshoot any faulty components before you actually go through the work of installing them, only to take them back out when it doesn't work.