Skype vs Mumble vs Ventrilo

teamspeak is a little safer. Only the owner of the server can see the ip addresses. In most cases if you rent a public server they only allow you to see the persons name/id not the ip. So if you used a private teamspeak server in someones house they could see your ip address. Still unlike skype you could have the ISP change your IP and just never use that particular server again and they could not get your new ip. Pretty much you only need to trust the person who is running the teamspeak server. Even if other gamers using teamspeak happen to know the id or whatever you were using on teamspeak they could not get your IP. Skype really is the only one that has this huge exposure where something as simple as giving someone your...

Please post your skype userid here if you really believe this. :)

It takes a simple search for DoS and skype and you get tons of hits. There are sites that actually sell denial of service attacks against skype users.

The largest users of this type of service are actually gamers. In most cases you can not really do much to affect someone even with DoS but many of the shooter games are extremely sensitive to delays and it does not take a lot of data to slightly degrade a persons response time giving the other player the advantage. Some people want to WIN no matter what it takes. Then again if you know the person you are attacking has a very small internet connection like DSL or has a data cap you can cause massive issues.


You just post from your vast knowledge of networking I see. You did not even both to try to learn something.

So lets look at your magic soltuons.

You somehow managed to get your IP real ip changed...,,too bad for you skype will tell the new IP immediatly.

Why would you even think NAT has any actually in a way makes it worse. DoS attacks the IP not the machine. If I degrade your router it has the same impact.

Last if i send you 1 million icmp packets per second and lets assume your router can manage to drop them all the packets still got all the way to your house and ate up all your bandwidth. Besides nobody sends ping packets they send either random UDP packets on random ports from random spoofed IP addresses. Or they send specially crafted TCP packets designed to exploit memory or performance issues in a rotuer or end device.

Next time why do you not at least be courtesy enough to do some research before you post on topics you do not have strong knowledge on.


Calm yourself... I have not had much experience with networking attacks in a few years, so my apologies.
However i am VERY sure that the Skype "incidents" are very very isolated.

Unfortunately it is impossible to stop someone from doing bad stuff. Its like your phone number generally it does not hurt to give it out but if you get someone who wants to be a jerk they can just call you over and over. Like phones you can do somethings to try to prevent it but someone (ie like telemarketers) can pretty much get around anything you try.

The only suggest I have seen that appears to be safe is to use a VPN or proxy to hide you IP address from these bad people. You seldom even see this issue discussed much anymore outside the area of competitive gaming.

Of course they are very isolated it is only jerks in the competitive gaming area that do this. Then again the primary users of teamspeak etc which is what this post is also gaming. So yes my mom who only uses skype to call her friends will never be affected so it makes it very isolated in general but if you only look at gamers who use skype for inter game communication (which is also a small number) the number of reported attacks is fairly significant.

I pretty much only discuss skype and DoS attacks when it comes to the narrow topic of online gaming which this post is on,

teamspeak is a little safer. Only the owner of the server can see the ip addresses. In most cases if you rent a public server they only allow you to see the persons name/id not the ip. So if you used a private teamspeak server in someones house they could see your ip address. Still unlike skype you could have the ISP change your IP and just never use that particular server again and they could not get your new ip. Pretty much you only need to trust the person who is running the teamspeak server. Even if other gamers using teamspeak happen to know the id or whatever you were using on teamspeak they could not get your IP. Skype really is the only one that has this huge exposure where something as simple as giving someone your id gives them the ability to lookup what IP you are using at all times no matter how much it changes.

The safest way is for you to pay for the teamspeak server.....then they must trust you :):)