Best picture quality Asus monitor around $200? (console gaming)


Aug 6, 2014
Hi, I'm going to buy a monitor exclusively for my Ps4 and after doing far too much research I've decided on an Asus. Only problem is I don't know which of these to get. I know about response time and all that, but if you only factor in picture quality does anyone know which one looks the best?

If anyone uses any of these monitors for console gaming, I'd love to hear some impressions.

Asus VN248H-P (IPS) (it's on sale for $135 right now so this is my first choice)

Asus PB238Q (IPS)

Asus MX239H (IPS)

Asus VS248 (TN) (Many great reviews, that's why I'm considering it even though it's an TN)

I'm also looking at the Acer H236GHL because it's been recommended before on this site. Would this one be better than any of the Asus?