MSI GTX 770 sli


Sep 10, 2013
Hi, I have a gtx 770 lightning GPU and I'm going to SLI, but the GTX 770 lightning is discontinued. which is the best gtx 770 to get for the task of sli? I know that any brand of 770 will work but I want another the equivalent of the GTX 770 lightning as far as cooling or the extras?
It is unlikely that two 770's will only be a little bit better than a R9 290, there should be a decent performance increase over the R9 290. The 770 loses an average of 10-15 fps compared to the 780 and the 780's performance is similar to that of the R9 290. You'll probably see anywhere between a 15-20 fps increase with two 770's compared to using one R9 290.


Sep 10, 2013
The gtx 770 Lightning is only 2gb of ram on it will the 4gb EVGA card mess with it? I know that it will drop down to 2gb but will there be hiccups from it or something like that?



Feb 25, 2014
I do not think there should be any hiccups as long as you don't have any driver or cooling issues. However, may I ask why you are putting a high-end 2GB card in SLI? Your lack of VRAM may bottleneck the performance of your GPU's. If you are planning on putting two 770's in SLI then I assume you are aiming at running games on High/Ultra with at least 1080p resolution? If so then it would be best if you sell your old 2GB 770 and purchase a 4GB version instead.

yeah it probably will try this. you probably could try changing the card completly to a r9 290 which is way stronger and 2 770's probably would still be only a little bit better. but if you want sli try this


Feb 25, 2014
It is unlikely that two 770's will only be a little bit better than a R9 290, there should be a decent performance increase over the R9 290. The 770 loses an average of 10-15 fps compared to the 780 and the 780's performance is similar to that of the R9 290. You'll probably see anywhere between a 15-20 fps increase with two 770's compared to using one R9 290.


Sep 10, 2013
Well I would sell it but, when I was putting the computer together and moving it around, I broke the HDMI tooth in the card and I was mortified!

The card works Flawlessly other then I can't use the HDMI port, but I have my 144hz Asus running off the DVI.
I don't have the money I use to so I figured I will have to upgrade slowly.

1. Buy a used or overly priced new Lightning off ebay or amazon because of MSI discontinued Lightnings?

2. I could buy another GTX 770 2gb from a different brand and OC it to the Lightning, which sucks because I've never done it before?

3.Buy a better or the best gtx 770 4gb card and SLI it to the Lightnig so it drops down to 2gb and when I get more money just replace the Lightning and give it to my dad to put in his computer?

Money is the main problem with just buying a newer card like the 800 sires when it comes out and I'm trying to future prof my computer as much as possible.

thanks for the replies.


yeah 880 will be out soon. also the best card is 400$ the r9 290 is around 350-380$ you could sell the card(tell them its broke slighty) for 200$ - the 700$= 500$ the second 770 would cost about almosth the same 400$ however you would need like a 1000w. It may be better to wait for the 880 and see the 780ti prices drop to 770 prices or buy the 880.


Sep 10, 2013
Yeah I've always been a fan of Nvidia, I have an z87 sabertooth MOBO and a i7 4770k with 16gb Vengence ram and 750w PSU, I know that my PSU could handle the the 770 SLI even thou its recommended to have 850w or higher, but the combination of living expenses and having to buy another PSU onto of buying Computer stuff like new shoes is killing me lol.

Ive never had experience with AMD or even know any of their GPU lines, are there any disadvantages to them or advantages?

they use more heat but have better price performance(the r9 290x cost just as much as this 770 and yet is as good as a 780ti price/performance) sometimes but not always amd will have bad drivers and thats what gives amd a bad rep.


Sep 10, 2013
Yeah no bueno with the bad drivers, I wouldn't be able to handle that, I would rather pay the extra hundred bucks for the nvidia.

thanks kunthakenthe and matthew for your time, So it looks like I'm going to go with the gtx 770 sli, is their any reason not to get the 4gb 770 instead of matching the 2 gb lightning before I make a dissuasion?


Sep 10, 2013
Ok guys I finally figured out my delema/ the gtx 770 lightning comes over clocked at:

Core Clock 1150 MHZ
Boost Clock 1202 MHZ

So I went through newegg and compared all the cards and the only ones that are on the market with factory over clocking to the equivalent of the gtx 770 lightning were these, so kunthakenthe showed me a link to a EVGA one but I didn't understand that the clocks on the cards had to match to be at par with the lightning out of box, so hopefully this answers future people looking for info on the GTX 770 discontinued series for SLI options.



PNY 2gb and 4gb
The clocks don;t have to match at all.

My 660ti's have slightly different clocks and they are THE SAME CARD. Basically, they default to the clocks of the slower card. Also, don't forget that the difference between 25-75mhz is not even noticeable in games at all. When going for SLI, it is usually best to just get the cheapest second card you can possibly find.

The clocks DO NOT NEED TO MATCH. The SLI configuration sorts all that out for you.


Sep 10, 2013
Thanks tiny, I understand that, Im going to go with the EVGA 770 Classified 4gb, I know the 4gb won't matter now and drop down due to the 2gb lightning but I'm going to eventually replace the lightning when the 4gb really matters in the next year or so and the prices continue to drop. I can't justify to myself buying a lower class then the gtx lightning in clock speed and gb, plus I love my PC so having a ZOTACK or a frozr wouldn't sit right with me. It's like wearing dirty underwear, nobody would know, but I would lol i would just feel it sitting there in the case lol.

Agree, aside from the 6gb 780. Thats pointless, the 4gb one is more than enough and there is NO difference at 1080p or 1440p. If you sell your 770 and then use the money from the other 770, you can probably get a 290x. Actually you surely would get a 290x. That is what I would do for sure.
i think you should just do a r9 290 would be nice the r9 290's dont really have to many bad drivers it should be fine plus you can always revert to the old drivers to fix the problem. the r9 290x(375x2=650- 300= 350$) (250$ you can sell that 770 maybe 300$ since its discontinued) those will breese past in 4k and are way strong.

yeah its not as bad and the performance for price is unbeatable.