Microphone without headphones?

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Google "Lapel Mic", thats what your after.
Although they are much more professional in nature, think TV interviews and such. A desktop mic is probably more whats suitable.

If only having a Mic in Dota meant communication. So many times I have called out incoming ganks, only for the Sniper to sit there auto-attacking creeps and killed 20s later.
It sucks to play support sometimes.
Google "Lapel Mic", thats what your after.
Although they are much more professional in nature, think TV interviews and such. A desktop mic is probably more whats suitable.

If only having a Mic in Dota meant communication. So many times I have called out incoming ganks, only for the Sniper to sit there auto-attacking creeps and killed 20s later.
It sucks to play support sometimes.
It all depends on your budget. For Dota, you don't need a great one, just something durable that will get your voice across without issues. And of course nobody listens to you, doesn't support mean you're too bad to carry? Just shut up and ward. (I feel the need to note that this IS sarcasm)

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA24G0U24387&cm_re=lapel_microphone-_-36-150-074-_-Product This one isn't bad, it gets decent reviews and it's cheap. If you want to spend more, you can, but there really isn't much point.
one issue with using speakers and a microhone (not headphones) is reverb.

if your speakers are too close or loud its possible for the microphone to pick up on this and play it through your speakers. also, its possible for others to hear your game audio in mic or to hear an echo to your voice when you talk.

omnidirectional microphones (typically common with clip ons) pick up sound from all around so this is more of an issue.

cardioid microphones pick up noise from directly in front of them only so are good at cancelling out speakers. this is what i would have suggested, however desktop cardioids of good quality will run you more money.

they DO make cardioid headset microphones which clip over your ear but you might have to search to find one good. i'm not intimately familiar enough with these to give you a specific model.

I'm sure it wont be a problem but thanks for the info! I'll only be saying a sentence or two.
Well, the problem isn't what you're saying, it's that if it picks up any sound at all from your speakers and plays it back to you, that sound will be picked up by the microphone again and again and again, causing it to be painful for anybody who has to listen to your mic. The closer to you the better, that also means it picks up less environmental noise, and also, turn down your speakers if you do get some reverb, it will cause your mic to pick up less.
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