How is this possible? Cheap games.

Dan Trave

Aug 28, 2014
A buddy of mine sent me a message on steam with this link Referral link removed - SS so the question is how can the games here be so cheap if you compare it with games from Steam and Origin.. basically cheaper than all other clients.

Do they buy games from Humble Bundle and then sell it for more? How does this work.. Does anyone have a clue? Just so curious. :p

G2A is a grey-market reseller. They purchase products in bulk from foreign countries and resell them globally.

Publishers often sell their products at reduced prices in foreign markets to make them more affordable. For example, a AAA title that is sold for $60 in North America may be sold for the equivalent of $30 in China or $20 in Eastern Europe.


G2A is a grey-market reseller. They purchase products in bulk from foreign countries and resell them globally.

Publishers often sell their products at reduced prices in foreign markets to make them more affordable. For example, a AAA title that is sold for $60 in North America may be sold for the equivalent of $30 in China or $20 in Eastern Europe.

Trouble occurs when the cheap foreign product differs in some way from the pricey domestic product. Foreign editions are often modified to suit regional sensibilities, such as the lack of Swastikas in German games, sanitized symbols in Chinese games, and authentication/time-limits in Korean games. In some regions, different companies may be responsible for providing customer support or online connectivity. These differences are often determined by the licence key, so purchasing a cheap Russian copy of a program may result in the user being stuck with Russian language, Russian audio, and Russian cheaters online.

As always, let the buyer beware.