Hard drive crash and noise : damaged heads ?


Aug 23, 2014
Hi all,

I hope you're well ! Thanks in advance for any advice that could help me.

I had a hard drive crash recently and I'm trying to fix it myself. I'm aware this could damage the platters and that dust could also ruin everything but I'm quite decided to give it a try as I can't afford a recovery service.

This video will make you hear the sound the hard drive makes when booting :

It doesn't sound like the kind of bips hard drives make when the heads are stuck. Could it be that the heads are damaged and need to be replaced ?

I opened that hard drive and I was not able to tell if the heads looked damaged. I'm not an expert though. Can you spot anything ? Should I look for something particular ?

I tried to move the heads gently on the platters while making them rotate but they stopped as soon as they arrive on the platter so I didn't force it. What could that mean ?


i agree, you dont hear the click you expect to hear with a head or arm that is stuck. I bet the actuator has failed and cant move the arm at all. In any event prepare for the worst, backup and get a new HDD.