Want to move my games save files but don't know how


Aug 13, 2013
Every time I get a New game, it makes a folder in my documents where all the save files are. This is really annoying because I like to keep Things organized but this just keeps messing it up. When i downloaded games, sometime a folder is created in my documents for the save files, and sometimes a foder is created inside the my games folder in my documents. I'd like to have all my games save files inside the my games folder in my documents, but when i try to move them and launch a game, a New folder for that game is created in my documents again.
Most of my games are downloaded from steam but not all of them.

If there's something you did not understand just ask and i'll try to explane it better
Thanks in advance!!

Most games will have a settings.ini or a config.ini text file in their directory (open it with notepad) and there should be a line in there about "save game file path: c:\user\(yourusername)\documents\saved games" you can change that to where you want your saved games to go, BUT you have to do this for each individual game, as most people are fine letting the game manage where saves are stored.

You could try a freeware software like DSYNCHRONIZE: http://dimio.altervista.org/eng/ (scroll down) to synchronize your various saved game folders onto a custom one you create somewhere so you can "have them all in one place" without having to change the games config files every time you install a new folder.
Most games will have a settings.ini or a config.ini text file in their directory (open it with notepad) and there should be a line in there about "save game file path: c:\user\(yourusername)\documents\saved games" you can change that to where you want your saved games to go, BUT you have to do this for each individual game, as most people are fine letting the game manage where saves are stored.

You could try a freeware software like DSYNCHRONIZE: http://dimio.altervista.org/eng/ (scroll down) to synchronize your various saved game folders onto a custom one you create somewhere so you can "have them all in one place" without having to change the games config files every time you install a new folder.


Aug 13, 2013

If i change the location in the .ini files do they move aytomatically or do i have to move them to the New location my self? And will this move the Whole folder that the .ini file is in or just some of them?


Aug 13, 2013
I looked in the .ini files now and I didn't see any of the that had setting.ini or config.ini and the ini files i looked in didn't have any line about save game path
I don't think there are any ways to have do it for you automatically, and every game will be different, some will put it in your my documents folder, some will keep it inside the game install folder. You can manually do it as well though, see the example here: (2nd post)

and some games (like minecraft i'm thinking) might not work at all because of how they're written.

I know you're being OCD about where you save games are, but it might be easy to just backup them up to the "cloud" or an external HDD and let the computer manage where to keep them.