capped frame rate

jason rosado

May 1, 2014
Hey all,

I have a msi gtx760 gpu, for some reason it is capping my frame rate on
LoL and star craft 2 on league its capped at 60(ive already uncapped in the settings and nothing happened) in sc2 its capped at 80, I know our Brains can only process 60 so it doesn't really matter. But I like big numbers.. any ideas????

Make sure V-Sync is unchecked. Also, some games have a built-in frame cap you can't edit. Also, your brain can't "only process 60". Your brain processes visual information a lot faster than that. You can't notice the difference beyond 60 fps because your monitor can't update faster than 60 times per second (hence 60 Hz -- which is the refresh rate). Just like your GPU sends a number of frames to the monitor every...

Deus Gladiorum


Make sure V-Sync is unchecked. Also, some games have a built-in frame cap you can't edit. Also, your brain can't "only process 60". Your brain processes visual information a lot faster than that. You can't notice the difference beyond 60 fps because your monitor can't update faster than 60 times per second (hence 60 Hz -- which is the refresh rate). Just like your GPU sends a number of frames to the monitor every second, your monitor has to update the image it's displaying multiple times every second. Most monitors are 60 Hz unless you spent extra on a 120 Hz or a 144 Hz monitor.