Online gaming question



Hi, I have a simple question

I use ethernet cable to connect to the internet via my router. I am on windows 8 and there's
no ethernet driver for my motherboard when windows 8 is concerened

Mobo - Intel dh55hc

Now I have host disconnect problems with assassin's creed 4. Can this happen because I don't have network drivers?

Thanks Very Much
You could try to get a new NIC, but I would hate to see you spend money and it still does not solve the problem. Nice thing about NICs is that they are cheap.

Once you rule out hardware you have to look at software like antivirus and firewall software.

The other thing is to look at the game its self. Does it continue to run after the disconnect? It may be the game is crashing.


Not sure what you are asking. Does your computer connect to the internet with the Ethernet port even though you can't find a driver for your NIC and it seems to go out during games?

Or are you asking if the reason you can't connect to the internet is because you don't have a driver?



Yes the computer connects to the internet with a ethernet cable. But I can't find the network drivers for my network adapter(ethernet port).

Can that be the cause which cause my frequent online gaming issues? THANKS




Probably not. Frequent game disconnects are caused by packet loss. Packet loss is caused by poor signal, bad NIC, Anti-viruses, Viruses and a number of things. The first thing you should do is identify if the packet loss is coming from your computer or your ISP. Best way to do this is to ping your Modem or router to make sure you have no packet loss. Then you ping Google or some one on the inter net to ensure the packet loss is with your ISP or if there is none and go from there.



Hi i checked testing packet lose but Everything is fine:) Now what would be your answer be my friend? :)


You could try to get a new NIC, but I would hate to see you spend money and it still does not solve the problem. Nice thing about NICs is that they are cheap.

Once you rule out hardware you have to look at software like antivirus and firewall software.

The other thing is to look at the game its self. Does it continue to run after the disconnect? It may be the game is crashing.