Background splitting possible?


Nov 25, 2013
Currently got 2 screens, but i can only have the same background pic on both screens, is there anyway to choose a seperate pic for each screen?
No, that is not possible in windows unfortunatly.

You can do one of two things though, you can get a widescreen image so you can have it span acrross both screens, so say you have a 1080p monitor you would get a 3840 (thats 1920x2) x 1080 resolution image. On my dual monitor setup I have a car image in this format that spans accross both monitors.

What you could also do if you wanted sperate image is to take 2 different 1920x1080 images, and save them as one image in a photo editing program and then use that. Its not truely 2 images but it will have the desired effect.
No, that is not possible in windows unfortunatly.

You can do one of two things though, you can get a widescreen image so you can have it span acrross both screens, so say you have a 1080p monitor you would get a 3840 (thats 1920x2) x 1080 resolution image. On my dual monitor setup I have a car image in this format that spans accross both monitors.

What you could also do if you wanted sperate image is to take 2 different 1920x1080 images, and save them as one image in a photo editing program and then use that. Its not truely 2 images but it will have the desired effect.


Yes, you can do this. I run dual monitors and have a different pic. You need to pick the correct pic for your resolution. Here is a quick google search i did that shows some dual screen wallpapers.

After you apply the background you have to choose tile in the picture position (could be wrong on this, try different picture positions) in the desktop background in windows.

Just read your OP... you can use a program to pick 2 different pics per screen... Ultramon is the first one i can think of.

You can also use paint and attach both pictures side to side... That is the way i have done it.